Home, sweet home! After being away for a long time, it felt nice coming back to Prague, even though it was mostly for work. Finally I made it to the hairdresser, which I am super happy about. Finally I feel like a human again! The weather today was really hot and cloudy. I thought this was the perfect opportunity to wear my new bardot dress with polka dots. Currently, I am really into dots - I have bought several tops, playsuits and dresses with polka dots, including this one and I think it's a really cute trend. I have paired the dress with my new J'Adior slingbacks with stones and my red Chanel Vanity Case, which brings some colour into the outfit. I think that this outfit might become one of my "it" summer looks... How do you like it?
Krásný středeční večer, tentokrát již z Prahy! V posledních 2 týdnech jsem nebyla pořádně doma a tak jsem ráda, že si teď pár dní doma užiju. Dneska jsem pro Vás nafotila svůj outfit v Praze, kde jsem strávila celý den. Kromě klasického běhání po schůzkách jsem stihla také jednu prezentaci a dokonce i zašla ke kadeřníkovi. Jelikož bylo teplo již od rána, rozhodla jsem se dneska obléct svoje nové puntíkované šaty z Topshopu, do kterých jsem se zamilovala hned na první pohled. Puntíky obecně budou letos velkým hitem a já jich mám v šatníku již několik. Šaty jsem zkombinovala s novými slingbacks od Diora a červenou Vanity case od Chanelu, která celý look rozzáří. Tak jak se Vám líbí?

Topshop dress (shop here)
Dior slingbacks (similar here)
Chanel bag (similar here)
Fendi sunglasses (shop here)
I've never been a fan of polka dots, but lately they've been growing on me. They look super cute on you! ❤️
ReplyDeleteCharmaine Ng | Architecture & Lifestyle Blog
This dress is definitely a trend setter, yet it still looks like a very classic and timeless piece. I'm a huge fan of anything off-the shoulder, thus this really caught my eye. And I have to say, the more I see you wear your Chanel bag, the more the boxy shape of it grows on me, and I can official say, it's made it to my designer wishlist! I've heard so many wonderful things about Prague. My dad's family is from Warsaw in Poland, so we were hoping to visit them soon and while on that side of the world take a visit to Prague :)
Love the off the shoulder detail!
Always looking so classy and feminine! Lovely outfit. :)
I'm in love with your dress and sunnies. They're stunning!
Omg, miluju tu kabelku i saty, strasne moc ti to slusi! <3
ReplyDeleteLove it! x
Bardzo seksownie.