Good afternoon everyone! Today I have a post for you shot in Prague, at the amazing By Chloé café. They are opened for some time now, so I am happy I finally got the chance to take some outfit pictures there for you as well. This time I wore a light pink sweater which fits the flower wall very well. I have added my favourite leather leggings and my studded Givenchy boots. So, how do you like the look?
Krásné odpoledne všem! Dneska mám pro Vás post z krásné kavárny By Chloé - tu najdete na pražských Vinohradech a konečně se mi podařilo tam pro Vás nafotit i outfit. Dneska jsem si na sebe vzala tento světle růžový svetr z Topshopu, který se krásně hodí k této zdi z růží. Svetr jsem doplnila koženými legínami Balenciaga a oblíbenými pocvokovanými botami Givenchy. Tak jak se Vám fotky líbí?

shot at By Chloé
Topshop sweater (similar)
Balenciaga leggings (similar)
Givenchy boots (similar)
Dior bag (similar)
This café is officially on my bucket list. So beautiful! ❤️❤️
ReplyDeleteCharmaine Ng | Architecture & Lifestyle Blog
I wish the By Chloé cafe in NY looked this beautiful and feminine with the pink and red flowers. The floral wall really must be every blogger, instagrammer, and influencers dream come true, not to mention the delicious and fabulous looking food. I love the Chloé boots too. They are the perfect piece to wear during the wall season and work with almost every outfit xx
Vypadá to tam úžasně <3 Nádherná jsi!
ReplyDeleteBLOG Život s kojencem
tam by som svojho chlapa asi nedostala :D
ReplyDeleteMy Supercalifragilisticexpialidocious Diary | Live Better, Love Harder & Cure Hangovers
Amazing place <3
Nemôžem si pomôcť, to miesto mi príde úplne čarovné. :)
ReplyDeleteSabi z blogu Beautiful savage
Sexy look.