Good morning everyone! As promised in the last post, today I want to show you some shots that I took during my visit of Dubai. We are in Dubai for 4 days now and we can't be happier to enjoy the city again. I really missed shopping at the Dubai Mall, climbing up the Burj Khalifa or getting some macaroons at the Walk. So here is something we have done our first days in Dubai, where we have seen and have been to. There is also something a little bit more about out beautiful hotel, Shangri-La Dubai, which I can only recommend!
Přeji Vám všem krásné ráno! Dneska, jak jsem slibovala, bych Vám chtěla ukázat pár random fotek, které jsem během našeho pobytu nafotila. V Dubaji jsme už 4 dny a v tomto postu se dozvíte něco víc o tom, co jsme dělali, kam jsme se vydali i o naššeho hotelu - Shangri-La Dubai - kde jsme byli ubytovaní... Jsem moc ráda, že jsem do Dubaje mohla znovu podívat. Momentálně jsme už půlce pobytu, ale moc si to tady užíváme a ještě toho máme hodně na plánu, takže se i Vy máte na co těšit. Pokud Vás zajímá víc z Dubaje, rozhodně nezapomeňte sledovat @fashioinmysoul na Instagramu i Instastories!

As said in the introduction, we stayed at the beautiful 5-star hotel Shangri-La Dubai. The hotel is located in the Financial District, which is the perfect location for not only business travelers, but also all shopping addicts - the hotel is situated only a few meters away from the famous Dubai Mall, the biggest mall in the world! The hotel offers 302 luxurious rooms and suites, has 5 restaurants and 2 bars. You can also relax at their outside pool or inner pool, which is located on the 42nd floor, both offering a view on the Burj Khalifa. The hotel has also the Horizon Lounge, which is a special treatment for hosts, who book this service. This means that you're able to get breakfast, afternoon tea and drinks with canapés in the evening. We were a part of the Horizon Club, which I really loved! I think it actually saves you a lot of money, you can soft beverages the whole day and something to eat as well. Of course the hotel also provides business and meeting rooms, business center or a 24h room service. I think I don't even have to mention that the staff tries his best to make your stay as comfortable as possible and as easy as possible. The only thing that I was missing was the beach - however if you really want to go, there is a shuttle bus taking you directly to beach! As you know, Shangri-La is one of my favourite hotel chains and I am really happy I tried this one at Dubai - definitely one of the best experiences I had in the city! For most of the time we just chilled at the pool, because let's face it - the view is breathtaking. However we also went to the Dubai Mall, where I scored with three items - I found the coziest slippers at Victoria's Secret, this amazing dress, which you already know from my Instagram and a Chanel brooch, which you have seen in my wishlist. I also had eye on the Aquazzura pumps, however I was holding myself after the damage I caused in Paris. Of course we also went to my favourite Vogue Café and go there a little something!
Jak asi víte, do Dubaje jsme příletěli v pondělí těsně nad ránem a jako první se šli ubovat do hotelu a dospat resty. Ubytovaní jsme byli v 5-hvězdičkové Shangri-Le Dubai. Hotel nabízem celkem 302 pokojů a suites, a právě jednu ze suites jsme měli my. Shangri-La v Dubaji má také 5 restaurací a 2 bary. Kromě toho má také Horizon Club, což je speciální služba, která Vám umožňuje snídat, vychutnat si odpolední čaj a večer drink a malé občerstvení ve speciální luonge. Vzledem k tomu, že se alkohol v Dubaji, kromě letiště, sehnat nedá, jedná se podle mě o skvělou službu. Drinky jsou v hotelích předražené, takže jsem byla ráda, že jsme do klubu mohli. Kromě jiného má hotel i 2 bazény - jeden venkovní ve 4. patře a jeden vnitří na střeše hotelu. Oba mají výhled na Burj Khalifu. Samozřejmě hotel nabízí i konfereční sály, business centrum, concierge, odvoz na/z letiště, 24h room service a podobné. Jak asi víte, Shangri-La je pro mě srdeční záležitostí a tak jsem moc ráda, že jsem měla tu možnost vyzkoušet i tuhle v Dubaji. Leží přímo v srdci finančníh centra, jen pár minut od Dubai Mallu, kam pravidelně jezdí shuttle service - takže je perfektní nejen pro businessmany, ale i pro shoppaholiky a nákupní závisláky. Celé úterý jsme strávili na hotelu. Relaxovali jsme u bazénu a užívali si počasí. Ve středu jsme se pak vydali do Dubai Mallu, kde jsem si pořídila hned 3 věci - a to ty nejměkkčí a nejpohodlnější bačkory Victoria's Secret, tyhle nejhezčí šaty od Self Portrait, které už znáte z Instagramu a brož Chanel, která se už objevila na mé wishlistu. V mnoha obchodech jsme nebyli, jelikož tady mají prakticky všechno a já se chtěla vyhnout zbytečnému utrácení. Zašli jsme ale do mého oblíbeného Vogue Café, které je pro mě povinností. Prošli jsme se i v okolí Dubai Mallu, podívali se na fontánu a zbytek dne jsme pak strávili na hotelu, stejně tak jako čtvrtek. Na plánu toho máme ještě dost, takže se máte na co těšit! Tak doufám, že se Vám post líbil a že se těšíte na další várku fotek!

It looks amazing!
ReplyDeleteAh... Everything looks as incredible as you'd expect it from Dubai! Beautiful photos!
S kym cestujes? :)
ReplyDeleteAh... Wonderful photos! Everything looks dreamy, just like you'd expect it to be in Dubai!
Amazing pics! Thanks for the impressions <33
ReplyDeleteLove, Tschok
Jee, tak to je nadhera, v Dubaji jsem bohuzel nikdy nebyla, ale moc rada bych se tam podivala, vypada to nadherne!!! ;)
ReplyDeleteV Dubaji jsem nikdy nebyla, ale vypadá to tam jako pohádka :3
Krásne fotky :)
Wow! this look so incredible!
I really like the pictures!
Jako pěkné to je, asi bych se do Dubaje taky jednou ráda koukla, ale na mě mi to přijde až moc velký luxus a takové prostě přehnané. Já jsem spíš na tu přírodu. Ale zkusit se má přece všechno...
ReplyDeleteNádhera, hotel vypadá naprosto dokonale. Těším se až navštívím Dubai :)
ReplyDeleteAndrea Mokrejšová
Love this post ;)
No matter what city you're in, you always take the exact same photos. Macarons (in Dubai?! Really?! What about all the Middle Eastern food, not the French pastries!!), fancy stores (that look the same in every single city), Godiva chocolate strawberries, your shopping bags on the bed (come on, already. Enough with the bragging.) You used to be one of the best blogs and honestly, there's zero point for your travel posts, as every single city you go to has the exact same photos. Gross. Perhaps you should have stayed in university, so you could have opened your mind a little bit more. Do some real travel, not some pseudo-luxury sponsored hotel posts.
ReplyDeleteDear Unknown, who have no confidence to write this as a "real" person. I am happy you follow my travels to every city and take care of the pictures I take. It's called "style of photography", so I am sorry, if this doesn't interest you, then don't look at it. I am also sorry they serve international cuisine at the hotels - and even if they wouldn't should I eat some "Shawarma", which includes lamb and chicken, which I don't eat? Or "Falafel", which includes bread, which I can't eat? Or maybe let's talk about "Kibbe", traditional cakes and pastries or other meals, which include gluten and meat. Besides that not everyone is looking to explore national cuisine, just take that in mind. Also there is not really a difference in my opinion when it comes to hotels - just because I get to stay there, doesn't mean I have to have my mouth shut and tell everyone how great they are :) So yeah, that's basically it. I am sorry, staying at university on my vacation doesn't really sound appealing to me, everyone has a different taste and you should accept that. So I rather enjoy the view of Burj Khalifa from my hotels, get some macaroons which I love and get something I love than be completely unhappy and sick :) Wish you a great day!
DeleteGorgeous photos! :)
Looks amazing! I would love to go there sometime!
Hi!!! I LOVE your blog!! Where did you get that black swim suit in your pics??? It looks amazing!!
ReplyDeleteI think you forgot to mention this desert safari. Have you visited over there??
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ReplyDeleteDesert safari deals
Thanks for sharing this informative post.