Sunday, December 31, 2017


Good morning everyone! I hope you all are doing well. The year is coming to the end again and I cannot believe how fast it went by. I remember last year sitting in Abu Dhabi and writing exactly this type of post - and here I am writing another one. If I should summarize my 2017, I have to say it was my best year so far. There were many challenges this year which I had to overcome, there were some better and worse time but in the end I am more than happy with what I have achieved, what I have done and where I have come in this year. I got the opportunity to see many amazing places - I started my year in Abu Dhabí, I visited Paris 5x this year, I flew twice to London and twice to Milan, I saw New York again and explored the Caribbean islands, I also managed to re-visit Miami, Mexico and the Dominican Republic and of course - was in Barcelona every single month to visit my boyfriend. 42 flights, many many hours in the train and countless packings of my suitcase. I gave up my apartment in Dresden, I moved to Prague and my room is going under a big re-construction at my parent’s place. I worked with many amazing brands, including Dior, Bulgari, Louis Vuitton, Chloé, Tiffany&Co., Cartier, Luisaviaroma, Guerlain, Bruna Rosso, Shangri-la Paris and many many more. I hope that your year was also truly amazing and with this post I would like to wish you all the best in the upcoming year - I hope that 2018 is going to be even better for you than 2017 and that all your wishes and dreams will come true! Also, if you have request what you would like to see more / less on my blog, Instagram and all the social media I manage in general, let me know here in the comments!

Krásné silverstrovské ráno všem! Doufám, že se máte dobře a že se "pilně" připravujete na příchod Nového Roku. Já ten svůj trávím v Drážďachen - minulý rok jsme s přítelem trávili Nový rok v Abu Dhabí a já sama nemůžu uvěřit tomu, jak rychle ten rok uplynul. Bylo by to jako včera, když jsem ve Spojených arabských emirátech psala přesně tento typ článku. Rok 2017 byl pro mě skvělým rokem - spolupracovala jsem s mnoha značkami jako je Dior, Cartier, Guerlain, Shangri-La, Chloé, Bulgari, Tiffany & Co., Luisa Via Roma, Bruna Rosso a mnoho mnoho dalších. Zároveň to byl pro mě rok plný změn - odstěhovala jsem se z Drážďan, přistěhovala a odstěhovala z Prahy, rok zakončila vykradeným autem a ztrátou věcí za několik desítek tisíc. Přestože 2017 měl své lepší a horší dny, jsem moc ráda za všechny lidi, které jsem v tento rok poznala a za všechny zážitky, které jsem mohla zažít. Zároveň bych tímto chtěla poděkovat i Vám za to, že mě stále sledujete a že Vás stále "bavím". Jak na blogu, tak na Instagramu a ostatnícg sítích. Zároveň bych Vám chtěla popřát jen to nejlepší do roku 2018. Doufám, že 2018 pro Vás bude skvělým rokema že se Vám splní všechna přání a že Vás stále budu "bavit" nadále!


started my new New Year with my boyfriend in Abu Dhabi

And wore this as my first look in 2017

Did one of the biggest campaigns of my career

And got the "LOVE" bracelet by Cartier which I was bagging about for more than a year and half

Spent some quality time at home...

And wore my new Chanel brooch...

... a lot....

.... I mean A LOT


In February I celebrated Valentine's Day on my own since my boyfriend was in Barcelona at that time, both in exam-period...

Then I went to Milano and enjoyed this amazing apartment...

... and the Milan Fashion Week!

I took one of the most reposted pictures ever there!

And then continued my journey to Paris for PFW...

... and in both cities was eating a LOT of gelato, macaroons, drinking good wine and enjoying life


I started March in Paris taking a lot of pictures with the Eiffel Tower. Also, my first purchase of 2017 was this studded Lady Dior designed by Maria Grazia Chiuri!

Also took a lot of pictures at many spots in Paris

And then came back home....

... and took one of the most reposted outfits ever....

... got a new grey Antigona bag from Bruna Rosso ....

.... And ended the month by flying to London where I felt like I finally discovered the feed I would like to post on my Instagram...


We had a room with the nicest view ever...

... And I received these amazing heels from Luisa Via Roma....

... we enjoyed having drinks at the Tower Bridge....

... and taking cheesy pictures with the famous British telephone ....

... and enjoyed the real British tea at 5 o'clock!

Then I traveled to Paris again...

... and for the very first time I went there with my boyfriend!

I bought there my J'Adior pumps which I wore ever since...

... and took many, many, many pictures with the Eiffel Tower!


In May I returned to London...

... and finally stayed at the amazing Shangri-La London which has been on my wishlist for a LONG time!

And I also think that my pearl-obsession started there!

I managed to swim at one of the tallest located pools in the world...

... revisited my favourite places...

... met an old friend of my ....


Then I went to Cancún and got myself this beauty on the way there...

... and got spoiled at the amazing Ritz-Carlton Cancún!

Little did I know I would spending there only a week - because of the Cannes festival where I got invited! One of the greatest experiences was visiting the beautiful Dior Suite and wearing this dress.

It was a short, stress-full visit but the experience was simply worth it!

I got some amazing Bulgari pieces to wear...

... and simply enjoyed every second of this trip! 


Shortly after coming back I celebrated my 21st birthday.

I received this amazing wallet for a gift from my parents.

I wore a lot of off-the-shoulder clothes...


And of course enjoyed some summer treats!


In July I spent most of time in Dresden since I had to take my exams...

... but still managed to go on a short trip with Dior to Paris!

I attended their amazing event there and wore this outfit...

... while seeing the best of the best of Dior's history in the big exhibition in Paris!

I even managed to meet old friends!

And take some pictures for you!

Then I came back and spent some time in Calsbad...

And by the end of the month treated myself with this pair of shoes.


In August I spoiled myself with a bag which has been on my wishlist for a long time.

And we started our 3-week vacation with my boyfriend in my favourite city - in New York.

We revisited all the obligatory places when in NYC...

... and woke up super-early just to take pictures like this one... (trust me, my boyfriend REALLY wanted to kill me)

I wore a lot of girly clothes....

And we have stayed at the most amazing Ritz-Carlton and had THIS VIEW from our ROOM.

After spending some time in New York, we decided to stay a couple days at the Ritz-Carlton San Juan and discover the city a little bit...

... Then we moved to another part of the island and got to experience and stay at the amazing reserve "Dorado Beach".

We ended our trip in Saint Thomas, discovering the American and British Virgin Islands and staying again with the Ritz-Carlton family.


I started September by going to Milano with these two for a special event ...

... And got this beautiful Valentino bag from Bruna Rosso!

Enjoyed some gelato in Milan....

... And wore a lot of nudes!

Then I went back to Paris for the PFW. I got invited by the brand Chloé this time!

When in Paris, I got myself something little from Chanel ...

... Well, actually a pretty BIG CHANEL BAG!

I received this gorgeous red Valentino bag from Luisa Via Roma...

... and this amazing Valentino set from Bruna Rosso!

I also appeared on the cover of the magazine - for my very first time.


In October I wore some of my autumn classics...

.. and travelled again! This time to Miami and Punta Cana!

And purchased these amazing Givenchy boots!

Enjoyed some summer time in Miami!

And ended the month back in Dresden, wearing more "rocky" style!


November started at my home, in the Czech Republic...

... and continued with a short visit of Berlin!

I discovered an amazing Churros place in Prague when I came back...

... And got myself my fist Fendi bag and fell in love with their pieces... 

... I mean A LOT - so much I even got myself another Kan I bag and this "ugly winter" sweater!... 

... and also a nee pair of boots - this time it was these "heavy" boots by Balenciaga!

By the end of the month I flew back to Paris for a short visit and bought these Gucci sneakers which I wanted for SOOO LONG!

Took many, many pictures...

... and stayed at the amazing Splendid where we took one of the most liked pictures ever!!


I came back for 5 days and then flew back to Paris. This time I got the amazing Chloé Susanna Boots from Biondini!

I went there with the brand Guerlain and got to know more about the brand...  

... And got the chance to stay at the amazing Shangri-La Paris once again!

Then I came back home to the Czech Republic and Germany ...

... And after some hard time during my exams, full time blogging and traveling between 3 cities I got some rest at home!... 





  1. It's incredible how much you've achieved in the short space of one year ❤️ I'm so envious! Keep going for 2018! ❤️

    Charmaine Ng | Architecture & Lifestyle Blog

  2. Wau, krásne ohliadnutie za predchadzajucim rokom, krasne fotky, krásne outfity. No proste dokonalost.
    Prajem všetko dobré do nadchádzajúceho roku!

    Štýl ženy

  3. Love it!
    Happy New Year dear! x

  4. Wow, amazing! So many adventures and amazing outfits, it seems like a really amazing year for you. <3

  5. Happy New Year! Looks like you had so many amazing memories in 2017 and I hope that your 2018 will be filled with more! x

  6. Perfektný rok, veľmi ti to prajem a v dobrom závidím, kam si sa dostala a koľko úsilia dávaš do svojich fotiek a všetkého, čo robíš. Mojim cieľom v roku 2018 bude inšpirovať sa tebou a robiť to, čo ma baví čo najlepšie :) ♥

  7. ah máš rozprávkový život :) ktorý si si určite tvrdo vymakala ;)

    Viki Ceglédyová

  8. What a great year! But I'm a little bit worried if you focus too much on all things you've bought and photos that have been liked most on Instagram. There's so many more important things. I hope you'll have the best times in 2018.



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